Fit & Frugal: Exercising on a Budget

Hello warriors! Lace up those sneakers and grab your bottles, because Lesson 19 in our Masters in program is “ & : on a .” Let's tone those muscles straining your ! 🏋️‍♀️🤸‍♂️💪

Hey, fitness fans! Ima B. here, and today we're pumping iron without pumping out dollars. Forget pricey memberships; you can break a sweat without breaking the !

The Wallet Weigh-In 🏋️‍♂️💸

Gym memberships and workout gear can add up. But who says you need to be rich to be fit?

Step 1: YouTube Your Way to Fitness 🎥

workout tutorials are abundant online. All you need is a little space in your room!

Step 2: Run, Forrest, Run! 🏃‍♀️

Who needs a treadmill when you've got the great outdoors? Parks are free, and the scenery changes!

Step 3: Use What You Have 🏡

Turn household items into gym gear. A gallon of milk can double as a weight, and a chair is perfect for tricep dips!

Step 4: Group Workouts 🤼

Join local fitness meetups or community sports leagues. Often they are low-cost or even free!

Step 5: Second-hand Gear 🛒

Check out thrift shops or online marketplaces for gently used workout equipment.

Extra Credit: Plan & Prep 🗓️

Schedule your workouts just like you would any other appointment. A set time helps you stick to it!

Your homework: Try one of these fitness and report back. Did you feel the burn without burning through cash?

Next on the syllabus, we'll be talking about saving on without skimping on the smiles. Gather 'round, penny-pinching parents and ! 🎓💵👍